Yedidah Health Update 2

Yedidah came through the surgery with flying colors! We are so thankful to Abba for bringing her through this. After 2 surgeries in 8 days, she is doing well and quite joyful. The surgery on the femur went as expected which is a blessing. She won’t be able to put any weight on her left leg for about 2-4 weeks. Tomorrow, she is being discharged from the hospital and transferred to a rehabilitation center where she will receive top notch therapy. Your prayers have been a blessing and have truly been answered. Thank you for lifting her up to our soon coming King and Deliverer! He is more than able! As she can, she will resume updates, articles and podcasts. Please continue to pray for her that her healing and restoration be made swiftly.

Blessings and joy,
On behalf of Yedidah (mom),

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