
“Sliding Danger Warning! Volcano Cumbre Viejo, La Palma Island, Collapsing” is #85.0 under the Mikvah of Preparation.

A final set-up is in the works. The volcano crater has collapsed. The land is sliding. New vents have opened. A tsunami is more possible right now than any other time. It began exploding lava, fire, smoke, on September 11, 2021.

If you live anywhere within 200 miles to the coastline from Nova Scotia to Brazil, read this article, look at the video from today, and pack your bag to head as due-West as possible.

The collapse of the crater cone has set off rivers of lava, but also lifted up the land itself so that it all can slide. Once the area slides into the sea, the tsunami is possible, moving across the Atlantic at about 800 mph, 100’ wave, hitting the East Coast in about 5-7 hours. DO NOT expect any public news to warn you. You’re on your own except for alt-news. But, if this slide happens at night, as I saw in my vision around 2014, you’ll have to have bag packed, and hear from Abba clearly.

No panic, no fear, no anxiety – just preparation and action needed to save your life. Make sure your family and friends, all loved ones, are warned. I have family, dear close friends, and people on my subscription list, who I know of through e-mails, who are in great danger. I’ve spent lots of today warning.

Know one thing – this is not natural. It was planned, and set off by very high technology. We can pray that all evil surface and be exposed. Yet, we must also realize that we are in the time of Yahuwah’s Judgment. The Beast is soon to come into public view. His system is already in place. The “global reset” is in place to go forward and it will.

Like I said, it is all compacting down into a small arena. That’s “as it was in the days of Noah…so shall it be.”

May you be prepared and at peace-ready for whatever Abba asks of you.

In His love and mercy, compassion, and wisdom, Yedidah

October 28, 2021

Sliding Danger Warning! Volcano Cumbre Viejo, La Palma Island, Collapsing
Sliding Danger Warning! Volcano Cumbre Viejo, La Palma Island, Collapsing
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