Blood Power–The Greatest Created Power in the Universe – BLOED MAG – Die Kragtigste Mag in die Heelal


Mandi has translated another very important article into Afrikaans – “Blood Power” under the Mikvah of Eternal Salvation 15.0 English, 15.1 Afrikaans.

The power that was unleashed by the shed blood of Yahushua is the greatest power on earth for us human beings. In it He opened a way for our salvation, for our redemption, for our freedom from slavery to the kingdom of darkness, for our entrance into the Kingdom of Light. He opened a way for our healing, our deliverance from demons, healing for our mind and emotions, and for us now as we prepare to go through the tribulation in His victory, Messiah said: “In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world!”

Revelation 12:11 is how we overcome the world, the flesh, the devil, and hell itself.

Are you proclaiming the praises of Him who died for you to a lost and dying world or are you denying Him by keeping your mouth closed and your testimony hidden away?

If you are afraid to share His love now with others, you surely are not part of an overcoming people, ready for martyrdom, or ready for translation either one. Well did Jeremiah write in Jeremiah 12:5: “If you have run with the footman and they have wearied you, how can you contend with horses? And, if in the land of peace wherein you trusted, they wearied you, how can you contend with the swelling of Jordan?”  Life is getting more intense; death is becoming more proclaimed.

To hide Him is to deny Him! “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to every person.” That’s our calling. Acts 1:8 is our calling, starting where we are.

The last-days’ remnant will go forth with the message of salvation and judgment      because they are dead to self, blameless before the Master, and prepared by the Spirit. Don’t miss your highest and best. The power in the blood of Messiah gives us power and authority over all the works of the kingdom of darkness.

It’s not a formula, a theology, a doctrine – it is very real – our very life itself!

So thank you again sister Mandi. May Abba bless you and your family for your faithfulness to share with others in the language of South Africa, and other close nations.

ENGLISH SPEAKERS: Please share these articles with others who read and speak Afrikaans! If you know of Christian magazines that use Afrikaans, please submit the articles she has translated under the Mikvah of Eternal Salvation to the publishers.

Share articles in English and also the podcasts. Let us reach more people!

Do what you can to spread the Good News, because before long in the days of the antichrist/anti-messiah, His people will be beheaded for sharing the truth of His salvation. It will be illegal to say that you believe in Messiah, call Him “Jesus,” or “Yeshua” or Yahushua” – if you believe in the One in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, you will be guilty of idolatry under the Noahide Laws.

So, practice now while you can keep your head on your shoulders, so that you can witness to your executors in the days ahead.

No, not all will be martyrs, but there will be tens of millions who will be martyred, and many die from the effects of war, famine, pestilence, and bullet.

Read Revelation 7:9-17. All will enter eternity for judgment and placement, rewards, or punishment.

Thank you! Bless you! Shalom, shalom!


April 15, 2019





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