Trump and 50 U.S. Governors Affirm Noahide Laws and the Celebration of Rebbe Schneerson’s Birthday


This shocking blockbuster-article is #53.0 under the Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance. It is entitled: “Trump and 50 U.S. Governors Affirm Noahide Laws and the Celebration of Rebbe Schneerson’s Birthday.”

Are you eating cake right now? Today is the Rebbe’s birthday! We are under orders to acknowledge it. Sorry, I’m rebelling …

Actually folks, my mind is blown over this. This is the fifth article I’ve written on this subject, but I’ve known about it from 1996. April 16, 2019, President Trump flanked by Chabad rabbis in the Oval Office, signed a “historic” affirmation about Education and Sharing Day, affirming that we must celebrate Rabbi/Rebbe Schneerson’s birthday on April 18th. It’s U.S. Law!

Also, at the same time in ALL 50 states, the Governors, with rabbis too, affirmed that on April 16th, Education and Sharing Day, we must all acknowledge Rebbe Schneerson. In the 1990s, the U.S. placed the Noahide Laws under the authority of the Lubavich, Chabad, and Rebbe Schneerson. I found an article showing 51 pictures of the signings in each state and in the Oval Office.

Was this just a crazy U.S. thing? NO! This is part of International Law. And why is this? – Because “Education and Sharing Day” is a smokescreen, a façade, a deception to hide the implementation of the Noahide Laws as International Laws.

Chabad even called what Trump did, “historic.”

This is dead-serious. I’ve written four articles on the Noahide Laws. In those articles I spell it all out. In this article I update you. The other articles, from the first one “Beware of the Noahide Laws,” to the last one–“The Seed of the Viper in the Pharisees vs the Seed of the Woman in the Natsarim,” give you loads of information that you must know in order to see it unfold and understand it.

This involves Revelation 20:4, and the location of your head. If a person is not firm in their faith this could be eternally disastrous. It is “dead-serious!”

Mark 13:9 speaks of it and gives admonition to us about it. This has been prophesied for over 2,500 years. Now it is in our face, and most Christians and Messianics are joyfully going to embrace it, out of fear or out of total ignorance. Don’t be one of them!

I appreciate Steven and Jana ben Nun reporting on these things and being so open about it.

Do you know about the February Anti-Semitic Bill that passed the House of Representatives? Do you really know what it is? It has gone to the Senate for passing. Once passed, as Steven ben Nun said last night, no one will be able to tell the truth about the Noahide Laws under penalty of imprisonment. Anyone telling the truth about the goals of the “synagogue of Satan” will be silenced.

The arrest of Julian Assange is a sign to anyone telling the truth about the “powers that be.” We’ve talking powers that reach up to the fallen angels rule, using the “Elite” and royalty of earth.

I will be writing a series on “waiting on Yahuwah” to hear Him, and know what is in His heart. He is allowing things to go forth without resistance now, because “the time is short.”

Are you yielding yourself 100% to Him and to Yahushua? Be sure to go to Abba about all of this and get His peace and assurance about it. He is your Abba!

I firmly believe this is the “great deception” that will “deceive, if possible even the elect.” Don’t fall into the trap of believing good about what is evil because it  stimulates your religious sentimentality.

In His love and blessings, shalom!


April 18, 2019


TRUMP and 50 U.S. GOVERNORS AFFIRM NOAHIDE LAWS and the Celebration of Rebbe Schneerson's Birthday
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